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For a birthday present my brother took me and his friend Rachel to see The Hives, a rather over-the-top Swedish band. My ears have been ringing for three days. They all dress to the max in suits. Hilarious!
It was an exhilarating live show. The Donnas opened for them, and I was quite impressed with their petite guitarist. She rocked my socks off.
It's moving day, and we're getting rid of junk. We think that since our cat was once abandoned by its owners, he is anxious that we will do the same. He has been acting strangely. He knows we are leaving soon.
We will be staying with Aaron's dad and family until we find a place. It has been difficult since we are in the middle of school and work. We have to leave this apartment however. There are bed bugs on the 1st floor (we live on floor 2), and we want no part of them and the chemicals that will repeatedly try to kill them.
Once you have them in your home, they are very hard to get rid of. They feed off of your blood leaving a trail of nasty, itchy bites. Also, bed bugs can survive long periods of adverse conditions. I have been informed that their population has been on the rise throughout Denver.
OOoooo, buggiiiiieeeess...
Aaron & I took a trip to Office Depot to see how much new boxes cost since we are moving to a new home. A sign claiming "Great Deal" turned out to be not so great. It was something like 4 rather small boxes for $20.
I don't think so! I have worked far too many retail jobs to ever justify buying new boxes. When I worked at the Pottery Barn, they recycled for a while and then stopped altogether because the new dumpsters "looked nicer." Mind you, this was behind the building!
I am no hippy however, what about the earth? It made me feel awful knowing how many hundreds of boxes were thrown out each day, and this was just for one store. Not only is this sad for the earth, it's unfortunate that so many lower class families are having to spend money on dumb old boxes to move with, when they are thrown out by the tons every day.
The U.S. is great in so many ways but it is sad how we are such a "disposable" society. I feel that many things are not produced for long lasting quality as they were more often when I was a child. Also often times, it's just more convenient to buy new things.
I also feel that we have crossed our disposable mentality from literal things to relationships, as we tend to no longer support marriage or long-term, monogamous relationships. The bigger, faster, new car upgrade, has now influenced our choices in mates. The woman in a relationship is upgraded. The face is lifted, the tummy tucked, or the woman is traded for a younger, more energetic and impressionable woman. The man can be easily written off for not making enough money to support habit or taste.
I didn't mean for this blog post to become my soap box today, but this is how I have seen the world lately from what I have noticed in observations, experience, advertisements and the media.
Needless to say, we spent 20 minutes at various business dumpsters around our apartment and got all the clean, barely used boxes we needed to pack our belongings (with plenty of green to spend on a nice lunch.)
I think it's important to remember that diversity happens in life and it's never fun, but we are stronger for learning how to cope and think critically. I have greater peace when facing problems rather than when I choose to deny them. The search for perfection is a never ending search, whether the happiness is sought from things or relationships. We've got to make the best of what we have and evolve within it. We must also strive to be mindful of the earth and fellow beings.
Thanks for observing my point of view.
I am starting to really get into alternative medicine at school, and I'm loving it. There is a great apothecary on 6th Avenue in Denver called Apothecary Tinctura.
They carry great tinctures, herbs, and aromatherapy for all types of uses. Check it out.
Also, you can find unique gifts for all ages. Woo-woo
I turn 27 tomorrow and have the privilege to celebrate my birthday in school... At least I made sure to have fun today. Although Aaron had school all day, I had a lot of fun with my brother Jonathan since he didn't have to work on President's Day.
Aaron and I will be moving to a new place in Denver by the end of the month, so Jonathan & I looked at homes for rent. We also had a delicious lunch at the creole restaurant, Lucille's. What are big brothers for? Thanks! We also stopped at Nordstrom Rack and I found these fun, red shoes for $10.
Many thanks to all of you who sent gifts! They are all lovely and they couldn't have come at a
more stressful they were a very nice surprise. I opened them on this, my un-birthday.