
Kid Quote

Kid quote of the day from my work:

"I don't have a forehead... I have a five-head."


Denver Obama Rally 10/26/2008

I opted to sleep in so I couldn't see, but it was a great speech.
My brother Jonathan got up early enough to go through the metal detectors and stand up close.
Don't forget to vote!


Practical Decor

Decorate with your future delectable dinner.
I through in a pin-cushion plant which I couldn't resist from the grocery store for $4

I'm Kind Of A Big Deal

One of my favorite artists did my portrait today.
By Lindsay who turned 5 on the 11th.


Scent As Memory

Aaron and I had a date the other night at Belmar and we wound up in Yankee Candle much to my surprise. (Aaron despises shopping) Also, I usually bypass it because of the overwhelming smell of the store. I don't know how many people know this, but I have an unusually strong sense of smell. Aaron calls me Wolverine.

We both started frantically smelling every scent of candle. I found a Honeydew Melon candle that was being discontinued and I bought the votive. That particular candle gave me a flood of high school memories. My friend Erin and I loved that candle then. It was crazy. I love how all of your senses provoke memories. For me, scent (perfumes & colognes) and music are powerful memory enhancers.

Aaron and I have differing music and scent tastes for the most part, but we both loved the Clean Cotton scent and bought the candle. It smells like fresh laundry which brings on childhood nostalgia.

Guilty Pleasures

I have been on a guilty pleasures kick this month. Today's indulgence was mindlessly browsing the celebrity play lists on Itunes. I really enjoyed Rosario Dawsons list.