
Kids Are So Weird

My four year old at work made up a "game" today which didn't involve any logical rules-- of course. To play, one must only adhere to the game makers wishes. (Typical)

The best part though, was the title. I think it would make for a great song or book title.

"Cat & Handstand"

(The game had absolutely nothing to do with either)


Desk Top As Art / Crazy Cat

We haven't gotten around to framing any wedding photos so I just put one on the computer desk top. I added a Tiffany blue background to feel a bit extravagant.

These carpet squares in the kitchen usually stay together but tonight the cat catapulted himself through the house at lightning speed.
Shortly after he scattered the carpet, he leaped into the tub where he devised his attack.
2.5 minutes later, his attack was successful as he grabbed the leg of the unsuspecting Aaron.

Retro Thrift Store Christmas

Most of my decorations were found at the thrift store.
The pine branches in the vase are real from the driveway. I was craving fresh greenery and wasn't in the mood to shop. (Note-Next time use gloves)

I recently bought the white side tables at IKEA for $13 each. I love them--They are so light you can move them easily.

The small lamp in the last photo was an inexpensive purchase from IKEA as well.

Hehe- I just noticed the funny article title on the 5280 cover. "Why Coloradans and Texans just can't get along."



I was Rizzo from Grease.
Notice the giant hickey tattoo and high school ring on chain.


Kid Quote

Kid quote of the day from my work:

"I don't have a forehead... I have a five-head."


Denver Obama Rally 10/26/2008

I opted to sleep in so I couldn't see, but it was a great speech.
My brother Jonathan got up early enough to go through the metal detectors and stand up close.
Don't forget to vote!


Practical Decor

Decorate with your future delectable dinner.
I through in a pin-cushion plant which I couldn't resist from the grocery store for $4

I'm Kind Of A Big Deal

One of my favorite artists did my portrait today.
By Lindsay who turned 5 on the 11th.


Scent As Memory

Aaron and I had a date the other night at Belmar and we wound up in Yankee Candle much to my surprise. (Aaron despises shopping) Also, I usually bypass it because of the overwhelming smell of the store. I don't know how many people know this, but I have an unusually strong sense of smell. Aaron calls me Wolverine.

We both started frantically smelling every scent of candle. I found a Honeydew Melon candle that was being discontinued and I bought the votive. That particular candle gave me a flood of high school memories. My friend Erin and I loved that candle then. It was crazy. I love how all of your senses provoke memories. For me, scent (perfumes & colognes) and music are powerful memory enhancers.

Aaron and I have differing music and scent tastes for the most part, but we both loved the Clean Cotton scent and bought the candle. It smells like fresh laundry which brings on childhood nostalgia.

Guilty Pleasures

I have been on a guilty pleasures kick this month. Today's indulgence was mindlessly browsing the celebrity play lists on Itunes. I really enjoyed Rosario Dawsons list.


Felt Art

Remember these? I used colored pencils instead of markers. They are super relaxing to work on and help quiet your mind.
I feel like every hospital waiting room should be equipped with crayons and coloring books for children and especially adults.


Too much Halloween? NEVER

Thrift store finds of the month

(Mostly 80's finds)

Aside from my current vampire obsession, the thrift store a block away from my house is my other problem.

Items in order:

1. Weird Jello-esque napkin holder I use for new postcards and letters
2. Non-functional pear
3. Bonified 1984 rainbow mugs
4. 1982 ceramic pie mold
5. Metal key hook which I spray painted green (Jewish door frame?)
6. Ridiculously awesome tacky bowl
7. 80's heart bowl (No, it's not a Tostitos endorsement)
8. Ceramic butterfly I keep my incense in.